Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Email #15 - #ILUMINAelMUNDO

December 12, 2016
Huntsville, Alabama

Family! How are y'all? Figured I should probably adapt to the southern speech sooner or later even though I still really dislike the word y'all! But this week has been pretty good! I had a really cool experience this week.

Since I was transferred to Huntsville it's been a little rough with my companion. So for all of you future missionaries know that you don't always get along with your companions.  So I was super stressed last P-Day and I decided that we should just go tracting. So Monday night we went tracting around our apartment and we knocked probably 7 or 8 doors. The first guy opened up and wasn't interested but was still super nice! That's the thing about the south. Some of the people may not be interested but they are still the nicest people you've ever met! The next door that we knocked opened up and the same thing happened. A few doors later we knocked and had a great lesson with this guy named Brandon Pair. We got talking and turns out that he is a gospel music artist and so I got super excited! I asked him if he had any CD's or anything. Without thinking he just said "Of course! Just hold on a minute!" I was like wait... What? what did he just say? 30 seconds go by and he comes back to the door with 4 CD's... 2 for me and 2 for my comp. Ha! He just gave us some of his music for FREE! How cool is that?! So that was an answer to prayer as I was super stressed and frustrated. The Lord answers our prayers and he looks out for us. It was a pretty amazing experience!

So every year the Huntsville and Madison Stakes here in Northern Alabama have a Christmas Concert.  Last night was the concert. Since I came here, everyone has been talking about it! Like you will run into people on the street and they say, "Hey do you belong to that church that has the crazy cool Christmas concert every year?" Like this is a big deal! People all over the south go to this thing! At first I was like ok maybe people are talking this up a little... But wow.... Boy was I wrong. We went to the concert last night and Wow. I honestly was thoroughly impressed. It was like listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! and that is not an exaggeration at all. They sang the Hallelujah Chorus and it was one of those songs where you get the chills every 15 seconds the entire song.  It was amazing. We talked to a lot of non-members who came because it was free and probably one of the best Christmas concerts in Alabama. There were some of the most amazing people there and it was super cool! That was super amazing to be able to go to that this week!

Also, on a different topic... This Wednesday the north part of the ABM is having a Multi-Zone Conference and I was 1) asked to be the pianist during the zone conference. 2) asked to play a piano solo in the conference 3) there is a talent show and I was asked to play another solo in the talent show. 4) I was also asked to accompany two elders. So you could say that its going to be a pretty crazy day for me. Then I am speaking in the Spanish Branch either this next Sunday or the one after that! So It's going to be a pretty crazy week!

Super excited to talk to you in a few weeks! Merry Christmas! Check out the new Christmas Initiative that the Church put out! It's amazing and I love being able to share it with everyone here! Love y'all so much! Have a stellar week!

P.S. The pictures aren't working so you'll have to wait til' next week!

Strength and Honor
Elder Noah Featherstone (The Alabamian)

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