November 20, 2017
Montgomery, Alabama
This week was CRAZY! We were just go go go! So I have a really cool story and experience that happened this week.
This week we were stopping by a Less Active who we heard had a son-in-law who was interested in our message. We had a few extra minutes at the end of the night and so we decided to head over there! We stopped by and they welcomed us right in! We got to meet the whole family and we got to know them a little bit. As we were chatting, they mentioned that Charlie is interested in the message and that we share. Charlie then spoke up and asked, "I have been wanting to come closer to Jesus Christ and I heard that y'all could help me do that." Oh man... I got so psyched!!! That's like the greatest thing a missionary can ever hear!! HA! So we started right on into the Restoration. As we shared and asked him questions, he answered with sincerity, and was soaking in every word we said. He was leaned forward in his chair truly trying to understand what we were teaching. As I finished reciting the First Vision to him, he said, "I really like that." We then talked about how he can know for himself. As we asked him if he will read the Book of Mormon, he said, "I will read every single page." We then asked him to be baptized. He responded, "Yes, that is what I want." He then asked, "But how do I really know it is true? I have prayed and prayed asking for help and I don't feel like I've ever really received an answer." We then shared with him a few of our thoughts about truly coming to know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Wow! We had one of the most amazing lessons with him. It's amazing how receptive someone is when they truly want to come closer to our Savior. It really is amazing. This message is true.
We had an exchange this week with the Elders that are serving in Greenville, AL. It was a blast! I'll send a few pictures of us doing some painting at Morgan Lee's house.
Also, this week we were teaching a friend named Fausto! We were talking about how to know if the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Elder Oldham mentioned that we need to listen to the answers that God sends our way. Fausto then said, "Entonces... Necesito esperar 30 minutos para recibir una respuesta?" Translation: So I need to way like 30 minutes to get an answer? We then explained that he doesn't need to wait 30 minutes. It was a really good lesson though! Both Fausto and Charlie both really want to become better and more like our Savior and it makes it super exciting! I'm so glad I get to be a part of this work and be able to be a representative of our Savior Jesus Christ.
This week we also were driving home from an appointment after we had picked up the other Carter Hill Elders and I yelled, "ELDER ELDER ELDER ELDER!!!" The others said, " WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!" I said, "TURN AROUND!!!" And the pictures will explain what we saw
HAHA!! I love it!
Anyways! I hope you all have a great week! Remember that God loves you, and that He is cheering you on every step of the way! I love you all! You're in my prayers!
Strength and Honor
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?"
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