Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Email #91 - He Knows Us

June 4, 2018
Attalla, Alabama

Family!!! How are you all doing? It sounds like this last week has been 
riot! I love hearing all about it! I can't believe Laurel was baptized! 
That is AMAZING!!! Makes me super super happy! and also hearing 
about the many miracles each of you have seen in your lives this 
week. It's amazing to know that the Lord is with each of us. He knows 
us personally and individually. This week was a testimony builder of 
that. The Lord really knew where I was to be transferred and why it 
was there that I was supposed to go. I'm going to start at the top of 
the week so I can fill you in on everything that happened this last 

So Monday evening we get transfer calls and I find out I'm leaving. 
Tuesday evening we said goodbye to a few investigators and 
members and that was hard... It's amazing to see how you come to 
love these people so much as you serve them. We said goodbye to 
everyone and Wednesday I headed down to transfers and found out 
I was headed to Attalla Alabama! With the one and only Elder 
Vanderhoff from Highland UT. So long story short... I'm in an English 
Branch a little south of Albertville(Where I started my mission) and a 
little west of Gadsden. It's a little town and we are completely on 
bikes! We are going to have thighs of steel by the time we are done. 
It's going to be AWESOME! When we got to Attalla after dealing with 
all of my bike problems in Birmingham we basically got left here! 
haha! The closest elders from us are close to an hour away. So this 
is a completely different situation than I have been in my entire 
mission.  But I love it! We have been biking 20-25 miles everyday 
and just sweating our tails off! We will walk or bike up to people to 
talk to them and they used to just give us a weird look but now they 
are "why is this sweating guy in a white shirt and tie trying to talk
to me?" haha! It's so great! I love it!

We have seen tons and tons of miracles since we've both been here. We
were out biking and we had made a goal to find one new investigator and
we had been rejected all day and it gets to about time to go in for dinner
and we see this lady on her porch. So we yell over to her and started
talking to her and taught her the Restoration and she committed to be
baptized on July 14th.  I hope she continues to progress! It was a super
cool experience though.

Elder Vanderhoff and I have had a good time. There have been a lot of
movie quotes going around. One of the most common is - "We got no
food.... We got no jobs... Our pets HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!!!" Ha!
It's been an adjustment for sure having an English companion. I have
gotten so used to speaking in Spanish that sometimes I'll just say
something and he will be like dude.... SPEAK ENGLISH!!! So now he
just ignores me when I accidently say something in Spanish... Anyways....

If there is one thing I have learned this week, it is that God knows us
individually. He knows how to help us grow and reach our potential.
This area is exactly what I need right now with the companion that I
have. I have learned so much these last few days about myself and
about what I can work on.

I love you all! You're the best and you are constantly in my
prayers! HAVE A RAD WEEK!

Strength and Honor

"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?"             Elder Noah Featherstone

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